Into the Evernight is a retro-styled role-playing game, drawing heavy inspiration from SNES and Genesis era classics such as Final Fantasy VI and Shining Force.

  • Turn-based, tactical combat.
    Engage enemies in tactical, RPG-style combat as you try to stop the spreading darkness.
  • Branching story paths.
    The choices you make and actions you take will lead the storyline down very different routes.  
  • Evolving game difficulty.
    Into the Evernight's difficulty is not set by a slider in options, but rather by your in-game choices.  An easier path forward always exists, but at what cost...?
  • Upgradeable skills and items.
    Customize your squad with over 60 upgradeable skills. Wield weapons and armor that gain in strength not only as they are reinforced, but also as your characters become accustomed to them.
  • Multiple endings.
    How will you stop the spreading darkness?  Or will you even be able to?  Into the Evernight's ending will entirely depend upon the choices and sacrifices you make along the way.
The world went dark long ago.

And with the dark, came the shades - spirits cursed to wander the darkness until the end of time.

Humanity still somehow survives, thanks to the wardstones - mysterious crystals of unknown origin that emit constant light and repel the undead shades.  Some wardstones are so massive in size and strength that they are able to sustain entire cities.

Like moths drawn to a flame, shades collect and crowd around the cities, peering in on the living.  Some feel sadness for the life they lost, some feel envy for the life they can no longer have, and others feel only anger, ready to lash out if given the chance.

Vast oceans of darkness seperate the cities of the living.  Only the bravest and/or most foolish ever leave the cities, with a wardstone clutched close.  Any number of things can go wrong in the dark and any mistep means death, or worse.

In this way, civilization has persisted for an unknown number of ages.  But the only constant in the universe is change.  The wardstones are starting to wane, their light starting to fade.  What will come of the cities of man when the darkness collapses in?